04 September 2008

Friendship, Family, and other Fun things

I think in all of my life, I've "dumped" maybe three friends. Three people that I initiated the "dumping" and wanted nothing to do with. I'm sure I've lost more friends than that, but I haven't deliberately ended the relationship. Generally speaking, I don't like to "give up" on people. It is not really my nature to do that. I like to give people chances to change, or grow, or apologize, whatever the case may be.


I get quite a bit of flak for it. I get told I'm a sucker, or a glutton for punishment, etc. It really doesn't bother me, but I really hate having to defend my choices all the time. I'm not someone who tells people they shouldn't be friends with someone constantly, I don't expect to be told all the time that I shouldn't be friends with someone either.


On the flip side…people give up on me a lot. If I do something slightly wrong, even if I apologize, I'm out. Its like freakin survivor or something. These people can offend me left and right, wrong me left and right, and I will forgive them. If I step out of line though…bye bye.


Its frustrating. Family members do it, friends do it. It pisses me off.


My sister was recently approached about letting a family member live with her. My boyfriend said "Now instead of being the sister who took (person) in, she will be known as the sister who tossed (person) to the curb" when she finally gets tired of this person and makes them leave.


That is exactly what happens to me. I’m not friend who listened, friend who cared, I'm friend who didn't answer the phone once…or friend who (whatever I may have done to offend someone)…


It blows. It makes me want to stop putting time into people…but then I become someone who gave up.


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